10 Hours With The Best Sacred Music of The Renaissance

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The stylistic characteristics that define Renaissance music are polyphonic texture that follows the laws of counterpoint, and is governed by the modal system inherited from Gregorian chant. Among its most widespread forms of music are the mass and the motet in the religious genre, the madrigal, chanson Carol and gender-profane, and the dancing, the ricercare and canzona in instrumental music.

Francesco Canova da Milano
Francesco Canova
da Milano
Tomás Luis de Victoria
Thomas Tallis
William Byrd
Thomas Morley
Guillaume Dufay
Johann Jakob Froberger
Diego Ortiz
Josquin Desprez,
Antonio de Cabezón
Orlando di Lasso
Gregorio Allegri
Francesca Caccini
Tomás Luis de Victoria
Tomás Luis de Victoria
Alessandro Piccinini
Vittoria Aleotti
Claudio Monteverdi
Adriano Banchieri
Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro
Francesco Spinacino
Antonio Caprioli
Gasparo Alberti
Andrea Antico
Francesco Patavino
Bernardo Pisano
Pietro Paolo Borrono
Francesco de Layolle.
Orlande de Lassus
 Orlande de Lassus
Costanzo Festa
Pierre Attaignant
Simon Boyleau
Francesco Canova da Milano
Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx
Mattio Rampollini.

Chants and Prayers Renaissance :
All Kyrie
all Beneditione
all Per signum Crucis
all Veni Creator Spiritus
all Salve Regina
all Alma Redemptoris Mater
Antonio de Cabezón
Antonio de Cabezón
all Ave Regina Caelorun
all Regina Caeli
all Pater Noster
all Ave Maria
all Gloria
all Symbolum Nicaenum-Costantinopolitanum
the best alleluia
the best Spíritum Sanctum
all Agnus Dei
and more ...
Retro Fungus said...

The video was removed and I miss it dearly.

Retro Fungus said...

Yes I miss it too. I hope the author will upload it somewhere else some day...