William Christie: Purcell The Fairy Queen, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

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Purcell - The Fairy Queen (William Christie) Glyndebourne

Complete - English Subtitles
Orchestra of Age of Enlightenment in San Sebas...
Orchestra of Age of Enlightenment in San Sebastián, Spain. 08/23/2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

First Fairy/ Mystery/ Spring -- Clair Debono
Second Fairy -- Anna Devin
Drunken Poet -- Desmond Barrit
Night - Carolyn Sampson
Secrecy/ Adam - Ed Lyon
Sleep/ Coridon/ Winter/ Hymen - Andrew Foster-Williams
Mopsa -- Robert Burt
Summer -- Sean Clayton
Autumn -- Adrian Ward
Phoebus -- Lukas Kargl
Juno - Lucy Crowe
Eve -- Helen-Jane Howells
Titania - Sally Dexter
Oberon -- Joseph Millson

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
The Glyndebourne Chorus
Conductor - William Christie