Guido Maria Guida: Ernest Reyer Le Sélam Oriental Symphony

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Ernest Reyer (1823 - 1909)
Ernest Reyer, about 1848
Ernest Reyer, about 1848 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Work: Le Sélam (for soprano, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra, symphonic ode), symphoni
e orientale in five pictures (1850)

Libretto: Théophile Gautier

Mov.I: Le Goum - Sérénade et choeur de guerriers 00:00
Mov.II: Razzia, choeur de guerriers et de pasteurs - Pastorale 09:13
Mov.III: Conjuration des Djinns, choeur de sorcières 23:09
Mov.IV: Chant du soir 32:27
Mov.V: La Dhossa, marche de pèlerin, prière et choeur de derviches 38:15

Gertud Ottenthal, soprano
Bruno Lazaretti, tenor
Wolfgang Glashof, baritone

Chorus: Chor des St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale Berlin
Orchestra: Radio-Symphoni-Orchester Berlin
Conductor: Guido Maria Guida

Portrait of Théophile Gautier, in L'Illustrati...
Portrait of Théophile Gautier, in L'Illustration, after a photograph by M. Bertall, 1869. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)