Latest and Breaking Business News and Top Stories - July 7
Breaking News,
Halfway through 2014, only one album has managed to sell over one million copies—a sign of the consistent decline of all album sales that the music industry has witnessed since the advent of digital downloads. That singular title is Disn...
As we remarked two weeks ago , when observing the recent developments surrounding the suddenly all-important South Stream gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine entirely, and instead traversing the Black Sea before crossing Bulgaria, Serbia, Hun...
Use these tips to make it hard for someone to say no when you need advice.
Tocqueville Asset Management LP (TAM)got a nasty surprises when it took some steps to streamline an overly complicated ownership compensation scheme. For 2005 over $10,000,000 in compensation deductions were disallowed for purposes of t...
Finance folks and CEOs almost always think differently. That's something to take advantage of.
The stage is set for a U.S. dollar breakout in the second half of the year.
Research shows how regulations meant to protect independent retailers from big-box stores may actually backfire.
Jignesh Shah had applied for bail in the High Court after the Mumbai Sessions Court rejected his bail plea on June 24 while granting bail to his close aide, Shreekant Javalgekar.
The Dow may have crested 17,000 on Thursday, but that excitement is gone Monday morning.
With dozens of big companies set to report earnings next week, investors held off on buying.
Occupying a 100-year-old building that was once a bank headquarters, the Park Hyatt more than lives up to the aesthetic caliber of its neighbors and Vienna’s Art Nouveau heritage.
The penalty amount translates to four percent of averageof Adani Gas's turnover for the last three financial years.
We’re a chatty country, the good ol’ US of A. We like to talk about ourselves and our families and our friends and our opinions — most definitely our opinions....
With $40.4 trillion currently invested in the U.S. bond market this asset class deserves a few moments of any savvy investor's time.
We warned Thursday that there was something wrong with the picture of the equity market's exuberance but it seems the July-4th-week-effect has run its course and equity markets - having read the jobs report over the weekend - have realiz...
Sometimes, the Internet does something so passionate, so truly spectacular that you remember why you have love and respect for your fellow human being. This is not one of those times, unless you really, really love potato salad. A Columb...
A federal court is close to ruling on claims that could cripple Obamacare by threatening subsidies for 5 million enrollees.
What one thing would you change about the current market environment if you had a magic wand to do so?
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Manhattan federal judge has limited the ability of the trustee seeking money for victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme to recoup sums that may have been fraudulently transferred outside the United States.

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There's a media and tech company in New York with revenues projected to be $1 billion by 2016. And yet, few have heard of them. Here's why you soon will.
The initial acquisition will be completed in a month's time subject to required regulatory approvals, it said. "The acquisition of Holiday Club Resorts will elevate Mahindra Holidays to a global leader in the vacation ownership industry.
The last time Irish house prices were rising so fast was just before the crash, sparking talks of another housing bubble.
The Russian government now expects didivdends to its treasury from state-controlled companies Gazprom and Rosneftegaz in 2016 to fall by nearly $18 billion as western sanctions imposed after its seizure of Crimea from Ukraine bite, acco...
The federal government and utility industry have cooperated on various initiatives for more than a decade to secure equipment from physical attack and improve recoveries should terrorist attacks occur, but recent security exercises and a...
France's Lafarge SA (EPA:LG) and Switzerland's Holcim Ltd. (VTX:HOLN), the giant cement makers whose proposed $50 billion combination is worrying European antitrust regulators, on Monday released a list of properties they are willing to ...
Of the 36 stocks traded on ADX, 18 advanced, 13 declined, and five remained flat
Brent North Sea crude for delivery in August dipped one cent to stand at $110.63 a barrel around midday in London deals
The mining and metals conglomerate has already initiated a feasibility study for its proposed foray into the steel sector through a joint venture, but is yet to commence talks with a potential partner, said a source.
When I wrote about the reasons why people don’t trust their leaders, the responses I received indicated that many employees are stuck in situations just like this, and looking for advice on how to deal with it. Unfortunately, it seems th...
Several hundred unionized truck drivers servicing Port Metro Vancouver container terminals are threatening to strike again if officials don't crack down on companies that are undercutting the minimum rates set to end the last strike.
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board had picked up 2.5 crore shares or 3.24 percent stake at Rs 880 per share.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks edged lower on Monday in a modest pullback from record levels as investors held off from making big plays ahead of the of earnings season.
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GFH Capital denies the existence of a dossier of allegations supposedly compiled by former Leeds United chairman David Haigh, who is being held in Dubai on fraud charges.
Archer Daniels Midland will pay $3.1 billion in cash and debt for Wild Flavors, which is partly owned by funds affiliated with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.
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S&P, Dow industrials pull back from records; 'Candy Crush' maker soars
Chile's central bank said that economic activity increased 2.3% year-on-year in May fueled by the mining sector. Analysts expected a 2.9% growth.
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This is a Real-time headline. These are breaking news, delivered the minute it happens, delivered ticker-tape style. Visit or the quote page for more information about this breaking news.
A film company, two foundations and a university want to know what motivates people to support an issue on social media after they see issue-oriented movies, TV shows or online video.
America wakens to a dollar edging higher against a basket of currencies despite a subdued start to the trading week in Asia and Europe following its Fourth of July celebrations. A surprisingly weak German industrial data print issued thi...
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This is a Real-time headline. These are breaking news, delivered the minute it happens, delivered ticker-tape style. Visit or the quote page for more information about this breaking news.
In my first piece on peak oil, I included a graph showing discoveries and production, and some commented that this seemed to invalidate my arguments since discoveries have not been replacing production for decades. This is another exampl...
Cloud computing is no longer a new trend, but business as usual for many. In fact, Gartner says that more than 50 percent of large enterprises have deployed clouds in their organizations. But what about the other 50 percent -- what's kee...
A lot of people get scared of presenting in front of groups but for introverts, it can be especially challenging. Here are a few pieces of advice on how to make presenting a little less painful.