Young American Girl explores the Beautiful and Historic city of Isfahan/Esfāhān, Iran
PRESS TV Documentary
For those of us who love to travel, perhaps Isfahan is a familiar name. Isfahan is a stunning and romantic city located in central Iran. It sits majestically on both the east-west and north-south trade routes which traverse the country. The city is famous for its astonishing gardens and architecture as it combines natural elements with manmade components to create a unique artistic achievement that reflects the heights of art, philosophy, and religious concepts.
Isfahan was once one of the largest cities in the world. It flourished from 1050 to 1722, particularly in the 16th century under the Safavid dynasty, when it became the capital of Persia for the second time in its history. Even today, Isfahan retains much of its past glory. This truly magnificent city is renowned both domestically and internationally for its many beautiful boulevards, covered bridges, splendid palaces, grand mosques, and impressive minarets. This has led to the Persian proverb "Esfahān nesf-e jahān" which means "Isfahan is half of the world".Today Isfahan is the third largest city in Iran and a major tourist attraction. It produces fine carpets, textiles, steel, and handicrafts. Isfahan also has excelled in terms of science and technology with the many scientific institutes and young scientists it has.