Best of Futurology Episode 12: When Machines Design Machines

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Best of Futurology Episode 12: When Machines Design Machines

Keynote by Peter Cochrane

Until recently we were the sole designers, alone in the driving seat making all the decisions. But, we have created a world of complexity way beyond human ability to understand, control, and govern. Machines now do more trades than humans on stock markets, they control our power, water, gas and food supplies, manage our elevators, microclimates, automobiles and transport systems, and manufacture almost everything.

It should come as no surprise that machines are now designing machines. The chips that power our computers and mobile phones, the robots and commercial processing plants on which we depend, all are now largely designed by machines. So what of us - will be totally usurped, or are we looking at a new symbiosis with human and artificial intelligences combined to realise the best outcomes possible.

In most respects we have no choice! Human abilities alone cannot solve any of the major problems that confront our species, and machine intelligence is now an imperative. To get the very best results we have to use computer modelling, visualisation and decision support. This also turns out to be a route to new materials, processing, production and thinking that promises to revitalise our industries and realise sustainable solutions. It may even turn out to be a new industrial revolution.
Far from being taken out of the design loop, we will find ourselves with a new and more vital role...