The Best of Michio Kaku Episode 2: Visions of the Future Series in 3 parts

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The Best of Michio Kaku Episode 2: Visions of the Future Series in 3 parts

Visions of the Future 1 of 3 The Intelligence Revolution 2007

In this documentary Michio Kaku shows us how the information revolution may reach these amazing new heights and how we may use our intelligence to reinforce our wisdom for generations by educating ourselves to think critically on real world problems.

Professor Michio Kaku, famous Theoretical Physicist and one of the inventors of Light Cone String Field Theory (one of the Relativistic forms of M-Theory), hosts a documentary on the use of computer technology, cognitive science, mathematical groupings, faster computers, sophisticated algorithms and, most importantly, better education that will will lead to "The Intelligence Revolution".

Ubiquitous computing is fast approaching us, with computer technology quickly becoming present in almost every facet of society and technology. Soon computers will be so ubiquitous that they will toil away in almost pure invisibility: in our glasses, in our clothing even in our own body.

The synthesis between computer fabrication, computer connectivity and of nanotechnology will mean that computers will be smaller, more connected and everywhere with minimal impact environmentally and spatially but creating a renaissance in information control by the individual.

Dr. Kaku was a high achiever in his youth, to say the very least. He constructed a small-scale, but fully functional, Cyclotron Particle Accelerator in his senior years at high school. His goal was no less than to fabricate antimatter. Such ambition did not go unnoticed and got the attention of a very famous physicist, Dr. Edward Teller.

Dr. Teller noticed that young Michio was a very talented young man and promptly offered him a Harvard scholarship, starting his academic career. Michio's initial education of physics and inspiration which he had to build a reasonably complicated device was triggered by his own education of the subject early in life mixed in with a bold curiosity.

Michio got his knowledge through books, children today are advanced data retrievers in comparison and can scour the internet for most of the content of human knowledge. Its no wonder children and young people are making such powerful innovations and ideas.

This synergy of Information Retrieval, Information Processing and Information Implementation is the engine of creativity and prosperity that, if we plan it correctly, could solve most of the problems facing us today:
Global Warming, Environmental disasters, Disease, War, Hunger and Energy shortages are all problems which need quick access to information to solve and fast processing of plans to implement action. The Internet has given us one way to do this, but with more work on smart computing, cloud computing and the expanding field of Neural Networking and Grid Computing we may be able to solve problems as a Global Civilization would.

The fact that our world will be governed by computer intelligence in the necessities such as travel, health and even fabrication itself may spur a revolution on par with the development of agriculture: we may have all the time in the world to simply ponder existence and have an armada of computer brains to help us find the secrets of existence.

Visions of the Future 2of3 The Biotech Revolution 2007

Professor Michio Kaku hosts a documentary on the use of the body of scientific knowledge on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology that will lead to "The Biotech Revolution".

In this documentary, Michio Kaku explores the the emerging field of advanced Biotechnology and how by combining our knowledge of physics and engineering with the vast knowledge of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Neurobiology and Zoology we can influence regenerative processes in the body, fight disease and even cure some of the most pervasive and destructive diseases facing us today.

By working together in a common goal, Biologists and Computer Scientists can successfully map entire genomes, as they have done in the initial Human Genome Project, and locate genes that code for specific amino acid chains, leading to peptides and proteins.

By using this knowledge, Chemists, Biologists and Physicists are all planning to generate active biotechnology that could, perhaps in our lifetime, act semi-autonomously and fight disease on the cellular level by delivering mechanically driven medication to an active site in the body of living organisms.

By engineering entire chemistry labs on microchips, scanning for disease could take on a form seen only in science fiction and requiring only a innovation in our existing knowledge to design such devices.
The power that we have achieved in organic and inorganic chemistry and in manufacturing nanoscale materials could mean that we may be fighting disease on a molecular level soon enough, eliminating the threat of growing strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

By studying the genome of bacteria at such levels we may be able to make tailor made antibiotics for individual people on the space of a few hours, taking over the rate at which bacteria naturally evolve resistance.
Using quantum mechanics it may also be possible to record the behaviour of bacteria themselves, using surface plasmonics to observe the formation of germ capsules or bacterial membranes, and being able to test medicine not carelessly on animals but on the germs themselves.

This could be the beginning of a Biomedical Renaissance.

Visions of the Future 3 of 3 The Quantum Revolution 2007