Sergiu Celibidache: Mozart Requiem, Münchner Philharmoniker

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Mozart Requiem in D minor, K 626
A portion of the manuscript of Mozart's Requie...
A portion of the manuscript of Mozart's Requiem, K 626. (1791), showing his heading for the first movement. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Caroline Petrig, Christel Borchers, Peter Straka, Matthias Hölle
Philharmonischer Chor München
Münchner Philharmoniker
Sergiu Celibidache, conductor

Rec. 1995

I. Introitus: Requiem aeternam
II. Kyrie
III. Sequenz
1. Dies irae
2. Tuba mirum
3. Rex tremendae
4. Recordare
5. Confutatis
6. Lacrimosa

IV. Offertorium
1. Domine Jesu
2. Hostias
Autograph Mozart, Requiem (KV 626); Dies Irae
Autograph Mozart, Requiem (KV 626); Dies Irae (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

V. Sanctus
VI. Benedictus
VII. Agnus Dei
VIII. Communio: Lux aeterna