Neeme Järvi: Tchaikovsky 'November', The Detroit Symphony

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Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Neeme Järvi
 Neeme Järvi
In 1875, Tchaikovsky's wrote twelve piano pieces, one for each month
 of the year, on a commission f
rom a monthly St. Petersburg magazine. The complete set was later published as 'The Seasons,' though it also known as 'The Months.' From the complete cycle we hear November, subtitled "Troika" (a Russian sled or carriage drawn by three horses) in the orchestration by Alexander Gauk.

The Detroit Symphony is conducted by Neeme Järvi
The Road to Arcetri (3/7): The summer home of ...
The Road to Arcetri (3/7): The summer home of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) (Photo credit: russellmcneil)