Grand Théâtre de Genève (Opere Geneve) Short Videos Collection

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The Grand Théâtre de Genève (Opere Geneve) Short Videos Collection
Season 2012-2013 (playlist)

Season 2011-2012 (playlist)

Old Seasons Selection (playlist)

Behind the Scenes (playlist)

Avant le lever de rideau (playlist)

Le grand théâtre de Genève
Le grand théâtre de Genève (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
About The Grand Théâtre de Genève
Towering over Place de Neuve since 1879, this imposing construction contains an auditorium of 1500 seats, refurbished after its destruction by fire in 1879. The house was completely refurbished in 1962 after a devastating fire and now has a seating capacity of 1500.
A vast stage, the largest dramatic production structure in French-speaking Switzerland, dedicated to procuring every year a season of opera and recitals of international standard. To which the Grand Théâtre de Genève Ballet Company adds, each season, two or three dance productions which are hosted in turn by major international dance venues the world over.

Geneve (Photo credit: Nouhailler)
Daniel Dollé, Dramaturge and Artistic Advisor
Chorus Mistress, Ching-Lien Wu

Fosca Aquaro, Magali Duceau, Györgyi Garreau-Sarlos, Nicola Hollyman, Iana Iliev, Victoria Martynenko, Martina Möller-Gosoge, Cristiana Presutti, Daniela Stoytcheva.

Vanessa Beck-Hurst, Audrey Burgener, Dominique Cherpillod, Lubka Favarger, Varduhi Khachatryan, Mi-Young Kim, Tanja Ristanovic Valkovic, Johanna Rittiner Sermier, Mariana Vassileva Chaveeva.

Jaime Caicompai, Yong-Ping Gao, Rémi Garin, Omar Garrido, Lyonel Grélaz, Vladimir Iliev, Sanghun Lee, José Pazos, Terige Sirolli, Georgi Sredkov, Bisser Terziyski.

Krassimir Avramov, Wolfgang Barta, Romaric Braun, Nicolas Carré, Phillip Casperd, Aleksandar Chaveev, Peter Baekeun Cho, Christophe Coulier, Harry Draganov, Seong-Ho Han, Slobodan Stankovic, Dimitri Tikhonov.

Dansers - Ladies
Fernanda Barbosa, Hélène Bourbeillon, Gabriela Gomez, Virginie Nopper, Yu Otagaki, Isabelle Schramm, Sara Shigenari, Sarawanee Tanatanit, Madeline Wong, Yanni Yin, Daniela Zaghini

Dansers - Gentlemen
Joseph Aitken, Damiano Artale, Loris Bonani, Natan Bouzy, Pierre-Antoine Brunet, Grégory Deltenre, Aurélien Dougé, Paul Girard, Armando Gonzalez, Vladimir Ippolitov, Nathanäel Marie

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