Hans Rosbaud: Rolf Liebermann Concerto for Jazz Band and Symphony Orchestra

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Rolf Liebermann (1910-1999): Concerto for Jazz band and Symphony Orchestra (1954).

Solisten des Orchesters Kurt Edelhagen:

Franz von Klenck, sassofono contralto
Heinz Hermannsdörfer, trombone
Hans Wilfert, Tromba
Werner Drexler, pianoforte

SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg diretta da Hans Rosbaud

Anonymous said...

This was recorded by Fritz Reiner and the Chicago SO in 1954. This orchestra is not the CSO, but this wonderful conductor rivals the fine performance by Reiner. There are two recent recordings presently available. Both are good. But neither matches the Reiner or the Rosbaud.